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Trisha Harris from Riverview Counselling
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Does this sound familiar?

It's a new day, but your exhausted, again... you are regretting things you didn't do, questioning things you did and

then the guilt might slip in to join the 'party'.


Am I doing the right thing? Am I a good parent /partner /person?

Why do I feel so alone?

You feel like you don't achieve your ridiculously long 'to do' list and most of the time you have no idea what you are doing.


It is NOT your fault.


We get told it takes a village to raise a child, but then you look around and realise - your village didn't turn up!


Community, society, family and social media make you feel like you should be able to be it all, to do it all.


That is not reality.


Then again maybe it is, maybe being the perfect husband / wife, house keeper, son / daughter, parent, friend, worker, volunteer (and then some) is your reality, so you're wondering why you feel so drained?


You stopped looking after your health and your mental health...


Maybe you chose to follow other Instagram profiles and wanted to be like that and wondered why you felt so exhausted trying to keep up? 


Maybe you prioritised your work or sleep over your house or family and wondered why you couldn't have the perfect house, relationships, while cooking all meals from scratch, doing the finances, groceries plus more and wondered why you didn't feel on top of the world?


Who looks after you?


In the old analogy about a plane crash, they would tell you to put your mask on first before helping your children.

Why is that? Because they need you well to be able to meet your children's needs. The same can be said about prioritising your work or family above yourself.


You don't have to continue trying to be everything for everyone


It may come at a cost if you don't prioritse you


I am here to show you there is support for YOU. Someone cares for you and knows how crucial you are to your family, and how much you want to show up for them. What you're feeling is 100% normal and should be spoken about more. This is reality, social media isn't.


If you would like to work on ways to move forward to prioritise yourself, so you can show up for you and your goals each day, I am here.

To focus on on what you want and need. A sole focus on YOU.


If this feels like something that could help, reach out. I am always available for a chat or phone call.

Don't struggle, let's explore a new "normal" and new ways forward together. 


If you are ready, let's do this!


Trisha Harris from Riverview Counselling


I am looking to help people who are ready to help themselves.

Are you ready to be supported while you take back control of your life?


Let's work together where you can leave with a plan to start focusing on your future.


Counselling sessions are available virtually through zoom, by phone or face to face in Glenbrook.

Supporting you flexibly, no stress!


No need for a mental health plan, no waiting lists, appointments available now.

Let's work together, taking care of YOU


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